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20200515 Viable Cities Infomöte utlysning #5.pdf
Informationsmöte inför utlysning #5, 15 maj 2020 Energipositiva stadsdelar / Positive Energy Districts (PED) Agenda ▪ Välkommen, Om Viable Cities Olga Kordas, programchef, Viable Cities ▪ Om
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CETP Joint Call 2023 - National requirements.pdf
1 (4) Datum 2023-11-08 Postadress: Box 310 • 631 04 Eskilstuna • Besöksadress Gredbyvägen 10 Telefon 016-544 20 00 regist...@energimyndigheten.se
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Presentation for IEA PVPS on PV and batteries in ecodesign.pdf
PV and batteries in ecodesign IEA PVPS 11 June 2019 Peter Bennich, SEA SE delegate in the ecodesign and energy labelling committee SE delegate in IEA 4E, chair IEA 4E PECTA 2014: 13 700
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Preparatory Studies for Eco-design Requirements of Energy-using Products Lot 24: Professional Washing Machines, Dryers and Dishwashers Tender No. TREN/D3/91-2007

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Task 5 - final DISCLAIMER & IMPORTANT NOTE The authors accept no liability for any material or immaterial direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this report or its content. This
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Application for issuing of EECS GO for production device.pdf
INTERNATIONAL GO - EECS 1 (3) The conditions for
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Commercial refrigerator WD for CF draft v1.pdf
Page 1 of 6 Working document highlight options for a possible Commission Regulation implementing Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC with regard to commercial refrigerating display appliances
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Application form.pdf
SWEDISH EMISSION TRADING REGISTRY 1 (2) Dnr P.O. Box 310 • SE-631 04 Eskilstuna • Sweden • Visiting address Kungsgatan 43 Telephone +46 16 544 20 00 • Telefax +
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Application form.pdf
SWEDISH EMISSION TRADING REGISTRY 1 (2) Dnr P.O. Box 310 • SE-631 04 Eskilstuna • Sweden • Visiting address Kungsgatan 43 Telephone +46 16 544 20 00 • Telefax +
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EBI Road Map 2019.docx
3 YEAR TRANSITION ROAD MAP – ACHIEVING 80% MARKET COVERAGE The Unified Water Label (UWL) launched during the ISH Fair in Frankfurt is the result of more than 2 years extensive discussions of a
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