
Din sökning på gör en energikalkyl gav 5435 träffar
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BIO_EuP_Lot20_Task_8_Final Report.pdf
Preparatory Studies for Ecodesign Requirements of EuPs (III) ENER Lot 20 – Local Room Heating Products Task 8: Scenario, policy, impact and sensitivity analysis European Commission, DG ENER
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Diskussionsunderlag för kombinerad märkning av rumsvärmare och luftkonditionering.pdf
Discussion paper: Should the consumer be able to compare the energy efficiencies of local space heaters ≤ 50 kW and air-to-air heat pumps ≤ 12 kW by means of the energy label? Today, the
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220517 Information about the calls FE.pdf
WELCOME to our information meeting regarding two of the Swedish Energy Agency’s open calls! The meeting will begin soon! Carolina Ahlqvist Christopher Frisk Fariba Mohammedian Peter
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Cycle superhighways.pdf
Conference on cycling, Helsingborg 2019-05-22; Meeting with representatives from Uppsala municipality 2019-06-05. Cycle superhighways Sidsel Birk Hjuler, Head of office for the Cycle

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Full call text FoES English final.pdf
2019-11-26 1 (7) E M 4 0 0 0 W -4 .0 , 2 0 1 0 -1 1 -1 7 Call: Graduate School in Energy Systems The Swedish Energy Agency is allocating SEK 50 million in the Graduate School in
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Virtual Pilot Executive summary Mongolia NCI.pdf
NewClimate Institute | January 2020 1 Renewable Heating Virtual Article 6 Pilot Ground source heat pumps in Khovd, Mongolia Authors: Leonardo Nascimento, Aki Kachi, Silke
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Potential for transformation of CDM activities Executive summary 20191122 v2.pdf
Potential for transformation of CDM activities into Article 6 activities under the
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Info PPT - VindEL - english (3).pdf
You can now apply for funding for projects related to the sustainable expansion and business development of Swedish wind power. Projects
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administrativ bilaga till slutrapport LOREG.docx
2 (2) SLUTRAPPORT 1 (2) Datum Dnr Projektnr Projektledare Projekttitel Administrativ bilaga till Slutrapport I samband med
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Kvartalsrapport nr 1 2019 slutlig.pdf
1(8) Elcertifikat: Kvartalsrapport nr 1 2019 Maj 2019 Detta är en sammanställning framtagen av Norges vassdrags- och energidirektorat (NVE) och Energimyndigheten om statusen i
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