The reversed auction for bio-CSS will be postponed

The first reversed auction for operational state aid for bio-CSS will be postponed until 2023. The reason behind the delay is that the Swedish Energy Agency currently lacks the necessary prerequisites to launch the reversed auction.

The Swedish Energy Agency holds the position of auctioneer in the reversed auctions of operational state aid for bio-CCS.  The Agency has been working intensely for the past year to launch the first auction at the end of 2022.

In order to launch a reversed auction process, the state aid system must be examined and approved by the European commission. Furthermore, the Swedish Government also needs to decide on regulations and conditions for implementation. The Government is currently working on this. Therefore, the tender announcement for the first reverse auction will be postponed until 2023.  

The Swedish Energy Agency will inform about the details of the auctioning process at a later date, in good time before the reverse auction starts.
