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programme description marine energy conversion.pdf
Ref. no. 2014-004584 Programme description for the research and innovation programme Marine energy conversion 01/01/2015–31/12/2018
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Energy shortage - Coordinated handling of a potential disturbance in the Nordic power system.pdf
1 Energy shortage Coordinated handling of a potential disturbance in the Nordic power system Accepted at the NordBER meeting 9-10 Sept 2015 in Reykjavik 2
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Slutrapport förstudie dammsugare-eng.pdf
Work on Preparatory Studies for Eco-Design Requirements of EuPs (II) Lot 17 Vacuum Cleaners TREN/D3/390-2006 Final Report Report to European Commission Restricted Commercial ED
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Task 1 Scope and Definition.pdf
European Commission DG TREN Preparatory Studies for Eco-design Requirements of EuPs (II) [Contract N°TREN/D3/390-2006/Lot15/2007/S07.74922] Lot 15 Solid fuel small combustion

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Zinaida Kadic, tfn 016-544 22 89 zinaida...@energimyndigheten.se Inger Munkhammar, tfn 019-17 66 82, inger.mu...@scb.se Eva Bernestål, tfn 019-17 60 71, eva.ber...@scb.se
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