
Din sökning på energibalans i sverige 2017 gav 5239 träffar
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CALL TEXT 13th ERA-NET Bioenergy Joint Call / 3rd add. Call of BESTF3 1 Invitation to a JOINT CALL FOR PROPOSALS 13rd Joint Call for Research
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Svets eko bilaga slutliggranskningJan19 en.pdf
EN EN EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, XXX D060644/2 […](2019) XXX draft ANNEXES 1 to 5 ANNEXES to the COMMISSION REGULATION laying down ecodesign requirements
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Application for right to allocation of guarantees of origin for electricity.pdf
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WD Annexes ED Household tumble dryers.pdf
EN EN EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, XXX […](2023) XXX draft ANNEXES 1 to 5 ANNEXES to the COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) …/… of XXX implementing Directive 2009/125/

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Workshop 1 - Results: Accelerated electrification of road transportation and uniform payment solutions in the Nordic countries 2 Introduction Background The Swedish Energy Agency and The
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Antagen-Ekodesignförordning-Gatu-Kontorsbelysning_245-2009 eng.pdf
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 245/2009 of 18 March 2009 implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for fluorescent lamps
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Preparatory Studies for Eco-design Requirements of Energy-using Products Lot 24: Professional Washing Machines, Dryers and Dishwashers Tender No. TREN/D3/91-2007 Final
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The views expressed in this report are the author’s own and do not represent any formal position of the Swedish Energy Agency. Final report 30 September 2013 Net Mitigation through the
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Date for LoA decision Project Title Project Participant Host Country Emission reductions Registration reference 1 2005-05-25 18 MW Biomass Power Project in Tamilnadu, India"
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