
Din sökning på test luft gav 1171 träffar
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Voluntary Industry Agreement to improve the energy consumption of Complex Set Top Boxes within the EU Proposal from the industry group, Version 4.0 16th July 2015
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Presentation for IEA PVPS on PV and batteries in ecodesign.pdf
PV and batteries in ecodesign IEA PVPS 11 June 2019 Peter Bennich, SEA SE delegate in the ecodesign and energy labelling committee SE delegate in IEA 4E, chair IEA 4E PECTA 2014: 13 700
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EN EN Brussels, XXX […](2021) XXX draft COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) …/… of XXX supplementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1369 of the European Parliament and of the Council with
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Hydraulic collection system for WEC developers with power smoothing and electricity generation in a central tower.pdf
w w w .o c e a n h a rv e s ti n g .c o m Confidential Reducing the cost of energy for wave power Hydraulic collection system for wave energy converter arrays with power smoothing and

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Omnibus Study - Final Report - 12-03-2014.pdf
"Omnibus" Review Study on Cold Appliances, Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Washer-Driers, Lighting, Set-top Boxes and Pumps FINAL REPORT By: Van Holsteijn en Kemna B.V., The
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