
Din sökning på energiindikatorer 2015 uppföljning av sveriges energipolitiska mål gav 7500 träffar
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Marknadskontrollplan 2016 slutlig.pdf
1 (17) Datum Dnr 2015-12-08 2015-6208 Avdelningen för energieffektivisering Enheten för resurseffektiva produkter Anna Carlén 016-544 2161 anna.carlen@
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Vindkraftstatistik 2015 - tabeller.xlsx
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Welcome and introduction.pdf
Welcome and Introduction Havsenergiforum 2016 Smögens Hafvsbad 11-12 May 2016 Dr. Rémy Kolessar Head of Department Research & Innovation • Climate change is one of the biggest
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Waves4power presentation.pdf
2016-05-20 THIS IS WAVES4POWER • Strong partnership co-operation • Experienced, Passionat, Competent and Commercial • Wave power device full scale, in real wave climate working as we speak.

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Towards reliable nonlinear simulations of WECs using CFD.pdf
2016-­05-­12 Chalmers    |    Department  of  Shipping   and   Maritime  Technology 1 Towards Reliable Nonlinear Simulations  of WECs  Using CFD   Project  participants:  Johannes  Palm,  Lars  
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Swedish Energy Agencys perspecitves on marine energy.pdf
The Swedish Energy Agency’s Perspectives on Marine Energy Sara Bargi Head Sustainable power unit Swedish Energy Agency Our mission: A renewable energy system • National
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SUPERFARMS, Performance and survivability of wave power farms.pdf
SUPERFARMS PERformance and SUrvivability of wave energy FARMS SUPERFARMS Jens Engström Division for electricity jens.engstrom@ angstrom.uu.se Improve performance and survivability
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Fysiska lagar till lösning Seabased and Wave Power 2016-03-18 Fysiska lagar till lösning Wave Energy – General  The energy stored in waves is proportional to the wind speed that generates
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Ocean Harvesting Technologies.pdf
w w w .o ce an ha rv es tin g. co m Confidential Reducing the cost of energy for wave power Hydraulic collection system for wave energy converter arrays with power smoothing and
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Hydraulic collection system for WEC developers with power smoothing and electricity generation in a central tower.pdf
w w w .o c e a n h a rv e s ti n g .c o m Confidential Reducing the cost of energy for wave power Hydraulic collection system for wave energy converter arrays with power smoothing and
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