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Diskussionspapper till CF kranar 191218.docx
Discussion note on Taps and showers Introduction As planned in the Ecodesign Working Plan 2016-2019[footnoteRef:1], the Commission services have updated the preparatory study on taps and showers.
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Summary of proposals.pdf
1 EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM Revision of Commission regulations (EU) 813/2013 and (EU) 811/2013 on respectively Ecodesign and Energy Label of central hydronic space and combination heaters
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NORDSYN vägledning dokumentkrav ackumulatortankar.pdf
A NORDSYN April 2014 Issued by: Financed by: Necessary content of Technical Documentation Hot water storage tanks Technical documentation for hot water storage tanks Demands How to comply
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Stockholm Charging infrastructure in Nordic cities 22 maj 2018.pdf
Eva Sunnerstedt, City of Stockholm Experiences from establishing public & home charging infrastructure in Stockholm Stockholm – Capital of Sweden • 940 000/2,3 million inhabitants • 330 000/

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TRANS METHODS Standard air compressors Lot 31 final.pdf
Working Document on a possible transitional measurement method DRAFT Commission communication in the framework of the implementation of the Commission Regulation (EC) No XX/20XX of ……
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Upphandlingsdriven innovation för regional tillväxt_Anette Jonsäll Region Gävleborg.pdf
regiongavleborg.se Upphandlingsdriven Innovation för Regional Tillväxt 20160201-20190131, Finansieras av Region Gävleborg och Tillväxtverket Region Gävleborg Sigrid Petterssén Anette Jonsäll
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Checklista vid ansökan Teknikutveckling och innovation.docx
  1 (3)   3 (3) Guide/Checklista vid ansökan Teknikutveckling och innovation – stöd inom energieffektivisering För att kunna påbörja handläggning av en ansökan i
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Summary of proposals.pdf
1 EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM Revision of Commission regulations (EU) 813/2013 and (EU) 811/2013 on respectively Ecodesign and Energy Label of central hydronic space and combination heaters
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Appendix A To Part 4 - SEPR method.pdf
Error! Reference source not found. 1 Appendix A to Part 4 of the Working Document on possible Ecodesign requirements for professional refrigeration products TRANSITIONAL METHOD FOR
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Energimärkning bilaga TV_bildskärmar_2018 08 31.pdf
EN EN EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, XXX […](2018) XXX draft ANNEXES 1 to 9 ANNEXES to the Commission Delegated Regulation supplementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1369 of
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