
Din sökning på gör en energikalkyl gav 4694 träffar
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Pump review_Final report_2018.pdf
Ecodesign Pump Review Study of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 547/2012 (Ecodesign requirements for water pumps) Extended report (final version)
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Förstudie del 2.pdf
Task 2 - final DISCLAIMER & IMPORTANT NOTE The authors accept no liability for any material or immaterial direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this report or its content. This
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Raising climate ambition with carbon credits.pdf
Raising climate ambition with carbon credits Exploring the roles and interplay of the voluntary carbon markets and Article 6 in contributing to the implementation of national climate
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Ekodesign TV bilaga.pdf
EN EN EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, XXX […](2016) XXX draft ANNEXES 1 to 8 ANNEXES to the COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No …/.. implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of

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141112_Electronic Displays_CF_ExplanatoryNotes.pdf
Possible Ecodesign and Energy Labelling requirements for electronic displays EXPLANATORY NOTES 1 1. CONTEXT OF THE PROPOSAL 1.1. Legal framework The Ecodesign Framework
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Dr. Peter Radgen1, Julia Oberschmidt Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research, Karlsruhe, Germany W.T.W. Cory Independent Consultant, Colchester, UK EuP Lot 11: Fans for
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Förstudie utrustning bildbehandling-7.pdf
EuP Preparatory Study Lot 4 (IE) Final Report Task 7 30th November 2007 T7 page 1 Report for Tender No. TREN/D1/40 lot 4-2005 Fraunhofer IZM EuP Preparatory Studies “Imaging
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Energy shortage - Coordinated handling of a potential disturbance in the Nordic power system.pdf
1 Energy shortage Coordinated handling of a potential disturbance in the Nordic power system Accepted at the NordBER meeting 9-10 Sept 2015 in Reykjavik 2
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New and Ongoing Wind Power Research in Sweden 2018.pdf
New and Ongoing Wind Power Research in Sweden 2018 A compilation of Swedish research programs and new scientific publications on wind energy The
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Possible requirements for electric motors and variable speed drives EXPLANATORY NOTES 1 TABLE ON CONTENTS 1. Context of the proposal ..............................................
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