Fuel quality act
The Swedish Fuel Quality Act (Drivmedelslag (2011:319)) came into force 1 May 2011. This act transposes the Fuel Quality Directive (2009/30/EC) in Sweden. It contains rules on which fuel qualities that may be put on the Swedish market, and includes reporting obligations for fuel suppliers on a number of issues. The Swedish Energy Agency is responsible for supervising compliance with the implementation of the Fuel Quality Directive's Article 7 a in Swedish legislation.
The ordinance to the Fuel Quality Act (Drivmedelsförordning (2011:346)) and it assigns a supervisory role to the Swedish Energy Agency and the Swedish Transport Agency, each responsible for different parts of the legislation. The Swedish Energy Agency is responsible for the greenhouse gas reduction target imposed on fuel suppliers which derives from the Fuel Quality Directive's (FQD) article 7a. Fuel suppliers that are taxable according to the Swedish act about Energy taxes (Lag (1994:1776) om skatt på energi) are obliged to fulfil the target and report their progress to the Swedish Energy Agency.
The Swedish Quality Fuel Act (riksdagen.se, in Swedish)
The ordinance to the Fuel Quality Act (riksdagen.se, in Swedish)
The Swedish act about energy taxes (riksdagen.se, in Swedish)
The reporting under the act is done yearly to the Swedish Energy Agency. It is done to ensure that the target of greenhouse gas emission reductions imposed by the Fuel Quality Act is delivered upon. This reduction requirement is to reduce greenhouse gases by 6 % compared to emissions from fossil fuels in 2010 per unit energy sold. This is counted to from the whole portfolio of the fuel supplier, in contrast to the Greenhouse gas reduction mandate, which only targets diesel, gasoline and Sustainable Aviation Fuel.
The Greenhouse gas reduction mandate
The Swedish Energy Agency (SEA) summarizes the results from the reporting in a yearly report, simply named Drivmedel (‘Fuels’). It is only available in Swedish. In it you can find information about the carbon intensity of different biofuels, the mix of biofuels in Sweden, which raw material is used and where the raw material originates from.
The European Energy Agency has presented the results for all member states regarding fulfilment of the target in FQD article 7a. Several member states failed to reach the target.