Sustainable fuels
The European Union and Sweden are promoting the use of sustainable fuels. The Swedish Energy Agency is the supervising authority for certain areas of Swedish legislation that concerns fuels and biofuels. The legislation is based on two European directives, the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and the Fuel Quality Directive (FQD).
The directives have been transposed to Swedish legislation through the act Sustainability criteria for biofuels, bioliquid and biomass fuels (Lag (2010:598) om hållbarhetskriterier för biodrivmedel och biobränslen) and the Fuel Quality Act (Drivmedelslag (2011:319)).
The act Sustainability criteria for biofuels, bioliquid and biomass fuels (, in Swedish)
The Fuel Quality Act (, in Swedish)
Sustainability criteria for biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels
The use of biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels in Sweden are many. Biofuels are used in the Swedish vehicle fleet, bioliquids and biomass fuels are often used in Swedish heat and electricity production but also in the industry. Most of the used biomass in Sweden are sustainable according to the Renewable Energy Directive through the Swedish act Sustainability criteria.
Fuel Quality Act
The Fuel Quality Act contains fuel specifications and reporting requirements imposed on fuel suppliers concerning supplied volumes, greenhouse gas emissions, and the origin of fuels. The purpose of the act is to provide a standard quality for fuels for running vehicles and limit the negative environmental impact from these.
Under the link Fuel Quality Act, you can find information regarding the general framework concerning those areas of this legislation that the Swedish Energy Agency is responsible for.
Greenhouse gas reduction mandate
Sweden also has implemented a greenhouse gas reduction mandate for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, which is implemented in the act on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from certain fuels (Lag (2017:1201) om reduktion av växthusgasutsläpp från vissa fossila drivmedel), also known as Reduktionsplikten. This act requires fuel suppliers to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from the fuels that they supply by a certain percentage each year.
The act on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from certain fuels (, in Swedish)
About the Greenhouse gas reduction mandate
The unit for sustainable fuels at the Swedish Energy Agency can be reached by sending an email to the address below.