Approximately 800 Swedish actors and actors allocated to Sweden are covered by the EU directive on emissions trading. Participants in EU ETS must fulfill the obligations for their compliance period.
Submit a verified emissions report to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
By 31 March each year, the actors must report the emissions for the previous year in the form of an emissions report that must be verified by an accredited verifier. The report must be submitted to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency - EU ETS Reporting Tool (In Swedish)
If the emission report arrives late or is not received at all, the operator / aircraft operator will be subject to a fee of SEK 50,000. The same applies if the report has not been verified by an accredited verifier by 31 March.
Registering emissions in the Union Registry
The actors must enter the annual emissions in the Union Registry by 31 March each year. If a verified annual emission is not registered, outgoing transfers will be blocked on 1 April. The account will then receive the status "Blocked". The block is lifted as soon as the submitted emissions are verified.
To be able to enter emissions, a verifier must first be appointed to the account. If you have replaced the verifier since last reporting, you must also make sure that the correct verifier is appointed to the account before entering the emission figure. If you do not do this, the task of approval goes to the previous verifier. The entered emission must then be rejected before you can appoint the correct verifier.
If the actors have annual emissions which cannot be verified, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency will decide the emissions of the reporting year. The account will then be in the status "blocked" until a verified emission has been registered in the Union Registry. The Swedish Energy Agency will enter the emissions after the emissions have been decided by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
Note as well that maritime operators shall enter their full emissions and that the Union Registry will calculate the amount to surrender based on the percentage for the given year.
Surrendering allowances in the Union Registry
The actors must surrender allowances corresponding to the verified emissions of the previous year by 30 September each year. If the verified emission figure from the previous year is zero, there is no need to surrender allowances. Surrender transactions are carried out immediately.
Failure to comply with the surrender requirement carries a penalty of 100 EUR for each tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emitted. This does not release the operator from the obligation to surrender allowances equal to the emission figures.
If the emission figures have been decided by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the surrender must still be carried out. Any surplus of surrendered allowances will carry over to next year’s compliance period.
Please note that the surrender generally involves two account representatives. One representative who initiates the surrender and a second representatives who approves it via the Task list.
If the account holder needs to carry out transactions in order to comply with the surrender requirement, there may be delays associated with the transactions. Read more about delays.
Verify your compliance status
After having surrendered emission allowances, you can verify that your surrender of the previous year's emissions is complete. Our help page will guide you.