The search for swedish climate strategy resulted in 1938 hits
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Rapport 2014-14 Strategi for atgarder i vattenkraften.pdf
Stra vatt Avvägni och vatt Havs- o ateg tenk ng mella tendrag ch vatte gi fö kraft an energ nmyndig ör åt ten gimål oc ghetens tgär ch miljök rapport rder kvalitetsm
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The Swedish Energy Agency expands its international Article 6 cooperation under the Paris Agreement
As the rules of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement are being negotiated during the international climate summit COP26 in Glasgow, the Swedish Energy Agency expands its Article 6 cooperation with
News and press releases > The Swedish Energy Agency expands its international Article 6 cooperation under the Paris Agreement
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The Swedish Energy Agency Partners with Gold Standard to ensure integrity in international cooperation under Paris Agreement
The Swedish Energy Agency (SEA) has partnered with Gold Standard to facilitate the Swedish Government’s acquisition of quality Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) under
News and press releases > The Swedish Energy Agency Partners with Gold Standard to ensure integrity in international cooperation under Paris Agreement
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Swedish solutions make Indonesian electricity grid more energy-efficient
Indonesia is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, with the ambition to change its energy system to a more sustainable and robust system. Through the Swedish Energy Agency's Business
News and press releases > Swedish solutions make Indonesian electricity grid more energy-efficient

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The Swedish Energy Agency co-authors article about international market-based cooperation in Carbon Mechanisms Review
The Swedish Energy Agency recently co-authored an article that was published in the latest issue of the magazine Carbon Mechanisms Review. A summary of the article follows below. To achieve the
News and press releases > The Swedish Energy Agency co-authors article about international market-based cooperation in Carbon Mechanisms Review
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Terms of use for account representatives in the Swedish part of the Union Registry.pdf
1 (4) Terms of use for account representatives in the Swedish part of the Union Registry In order to be a representative in the Swedish part of the Union Registry, it is
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Energy becomes an enabler for regional growth in Boden
The Municipality of Boden has established a collaboration with the Swedish Energy Agency. The purpose is to promote a holistic approach to energy use, and to promote the future development of
News and press releases > Energy becomes an enabler for regional growth in Boden
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Jack Sharples Swedish Energy Agency - 2023-12-12 - European Winter Gas Supply Outlook.pdf
European Gas Supplies: Outlook for Winter 2023/24 Swedish Energy Agency - Globala Energifrågor Dr Jack Sharples, Senior Research Fellow Gas Research Programme, OIES 12 December 2023 OIES GAS
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En strategi för fjärrvärme och kraftvärme och kartläggning av potential ER 2023_14.pdf
Förslag till en fjärrvärme- och kraftvärmestrategi Delrapportering till uppdrag Förslag till en strategi för en långsiktig hållbar utveckling av fjärr- och kraftvärmesektorn samt rapportering av
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Länsstyrelsen Skånes synpunkter till strategi för en fossilfri transportsektor till Energimyndigheten(4677386).pdf
YTTRANDE 1(6) 2016-05-27 Dnr 420-15486-2016 Energimyndigheten Postadress Besöksadress Telefon Telefax Bankgiro E-post www 205 15 Malmö Kungsgatan 13 010-
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