The search for swedish climate strategy resulted in 1938 hits
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Public information
Information from the Swedish National Registry and the EU ETS is available online. This includes information on operator allocation and compliance and account holders and Kyoto units in the Swedish
Sustainability > Public information
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Merged regulation LSH_RAC_19052022 (2).pdf
EN 1 EN Working Document: Draft elements of possibly merged labelling regulations for room heaters, room air conditioners and comfort fans This draft legal text is a working document
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Energimyndighetens årsredovisning 2015 Publikationer utgivna av Energimyndigheten kan beställas eller laddas ned via eller beställas genom att skicka e-post till
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Power of Attorney.pdf
1 (1) EM 25 18 , v 5. 0, 2 02 2- 11 -3 0 Power of Attorney for the Union Registry I hereby issue a Power of Attorney for: Name

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The views expressed in this report are the author’s own and do not represent any formal position of the Swedish Energy Agency. Final report 30 September 2013 Net Mitigation through the
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EnergyEnergy Guidelines accompanying Regulations (EU) No 811 & 812/2013 with regard to energy labelling of space heaters, combination heaters, packages of space heater, temperature control and
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2 3 Table of Contents 1. Purpose of the guidelines and disclaimer ..................................................................... 4 1.1. The Regulations ...............
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1 Energy shortage Coordinated handling of a potential disturbance in the Nordic power system Accepted at the NordBER meeting 9-10 Sept 2015 in Reykjavik 2
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