The search for swedish climate strategy resulted in 1938 hits
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Pre-proposal form DEF (002).docx
Project no. 730254 Urban Accessibility and Connectivity Sino-European Joint Call for Proposals Pre-Proposal: Consortium and General Information[footnoteRef:1] [1: Detailed financial
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Värmeforsks basprogram 2008-2011.pdf
Värmeforsks Basprogram 2008-2011 Syntesrapport 1242 Gullvi Borgström, Birgitta Strömberg Värmeforsks Basprogram 2008-2011 Syntesrapport Varmeforsk
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2015-11-23 Styrmedel och innovationspolitik för framtidens bioraffinaderier.pdf
Styrmedel och innovationspolitik för framtidens bioraffinaderier Positionspapper Av: Hans Hellsmark och Patrik Söderholm, SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut och Luleå tekniska
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Nordic exchange of experience about policy instruments on sustainable mobility
Nordic exchange of experience about policy instruments on sustainable mobility Nordic countries has had a meeting to share experiences about the policies instruments for sustainable mobility, with a
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