The search for swedish climate strategy resulted in 1938 hits
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Crediting Early Action final report Schneider Ahonen.pdf
Crediting early action: options, opportunities and risks Lambert Schneider Hanna-Mari Ahonen January 2015 Executive Summary Incentivising prompt mitigation action is a key
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Modvion - Otto Lundman.pdf
Otto Lundman Increasing productivity of the world´s most competitive renewable energy. Modvion modular towers for taller wind turbines
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EEPLIANT3 Nyhetsbrev juli 2023.pdf
The EU-funded EEPLIANT3 Concerted Action is one of the many policy implementation tools in the EU’s toolkit against climate change and environmental degradation. In this action, we work to verify
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Info PPT - VindEL - english (3).pdf
You can now apply for funding for projects related to the sustainable expansion and business development of Swedish wind power. Projects

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1 (11) Datum 2011-xx-xx Box 310 • 631 04 Eskilstuna • Besöksadress Kungsgatan 43 Telefon 016-544 20 00 • Telefax 016-544 20 99 registrator@
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Info PPT - VindEL - english (3).pdf
You can now apply for funding for projects related to the sustainable expansion and business development of Swedish wind power. Projects
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2016-05-27 Viktoria Swedish ICT’s inspel till strategi för en fossilfri transportsektor Energimyndigheten har fått regeringens uppdrag att ta fram en strategi för omställningen till
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A_Methane Finance Study Group Report.pdf
A p r i l 2 0 1 3 Methane Finance Study Group report Using Pay-for-Performance Mechanisms to Finance Methane Abatement Methane Finance Study Group Members Mr. SaMuel TuMiwa ...............
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FFI Roadmap.pdf
Preface FFI, Fordonsstrategisk forskning och innovation, is a collaboration between the Swedish state (Vinnova, Swedish Traffic Administration and Swedish Energy Agency) and the automotive
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Arbetsplan ekodesign 2016-2019.pdf
EN EN EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, 30.11.2016 COM(2016) 773 final COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION Ecodesign Working Plan 2016-2019 2 Ecodesign Working Plan
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