The search for swedish climate strategy resulted in 1938 hits
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B_Methane Finance Study Group Side Event_June 5_vFINAL.pdf
S i d e - E v e n t P r e s e n t i n g t h e M e t h a n e F i n a n c e S t u dy G r o u p ’ s R e p o r t t o t h e G 8 The Methane Finance Study Group, upon the request of the
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Program side-event 5 juni.pdf
S i d e - E v e n t P r e s e n t i n g t h e M e t h a n e F i n a n c e S t u dy G r o u p ’ s R e p o r t t o t h e G 8 The Methane Finance Study Group, upon the request of the
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In Sweden, industry accounts for about a third of the total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as a large part of electricity and heat production. Moreover, the  industry accounts for a
Innovations, R & D > Industry
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Responsibilities in the EU ETS
The Swedish Energy Agency is the national administrator defined in the Registry Regulation and account management authority defined in Swedish legislation. This means that the agency administers the
Sustainability > Responsibilities in the EU ETS

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Business development and commercialisation
The Swedish Energy Agency supports companies which contribute to a sustainable energy system. We also inform investors about upcoming companies and their potential for investment. The Swedish Energy
Innovations, R & D > Business development and commercialisation
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How compliance and voluntary carbon markets interact
There are different types of compliance carbon markets. The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is a so-called cap-and-trade scheme, whereas the UN's system for international emissions trading,
News and press releases > How compliance and voluntary carbon markets interact
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Sweden finances project in Ghana to accelerate the energy transition
Less than one percent of Ghana's electricity production comes from solar energy. Sweden is about to finance a project that increases that share - and helps accelerate the transition to a sustainable
News and press releases > Sweden finances project in Ghana to accelerate the energy transition
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The Industrial Leap
The Swedish Parliament has adopted the climate target net zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2045 and thereafter negative emissions. The Industrial Leap was introduced by the Swedish Government in
Innovations, R & D > The Industrial Leap
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About the project
The subproject is a study of the effects of an increased introduction of zero emission vehicles on other goals than climate targets, such as social distribution effects. The study will highlight good
Cooperation > About the project
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Sweden and Switzerland pave the way for international trade with carbon removals
At COP28, Sweden and Switzerland signed a declaration of intent to test the rules for international carbon markets in the field of carbon removal technologies.  Robert Andrén, Director General of
News and press releases > Sweden and Switzerland pave the way for international trade with carbon removals
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