The search for swedish climate strategy resulted in 1938 hits
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Project description - full study.docx
FULL APPLICATION TEMPLATE with instructions for project descriptions within the field of Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation (FFI). The total number of pages in the project description
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Online application
When applying for an account, the registration of a representative and the application for an account need to be made on the website of the Union Registry. If all representatives are already users in
Sustainability > Online application
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اللغة العربية (arabiska)
   استشارات من البلدية لتوفير الطاقة    هل تريد خفض فاتورة الكهرباء؟هل تفكر بنوع التدفئة الذي ستختاره أو ما هي اتفاقية الكهرباء الأفضل بالنسبة لك؟هل لديك أسئلة تتعلق بمعونة الطاقة أو بوقود (بيليتس)
Other languages > اللغة العربية (arabiska)
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For people in apartments
It is difficult to know how much energy you consume in your apartment if both heating and hot water are included in your rent. Nevertheless, there is a lot you can do to reduce your energy
Sustainability > For people in apartments

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Motoring and transport
Accelerate quickly up to the speed you intend to keep. Change up early and run on the highest possible gear. You can also save energy by missing out a gear, e.g. by changing directly from third gear
Sustainability > Motoring and transport
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Task 2 - Markets.pdf
1 Review of Regulation 206/2012 and 626/2011 Air conditioners and comfort fans Task 2 report Final
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Energy labelling
Do you intend to buy a new fridge, cooker or washing machine? If so, energy labelling will assist you in choosing. It is specified by law that all white goods sold in the stores must be energy
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EPREL lamp Guideline_EN_190705.pdf
The European Product Database for Energy Labelling Start entering information into EPREL • To use EPREL you have to have an EU-login, which you can create here. • Once you have created an
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1 Verksamhetsberättelse 2006 Stefan Grönkvist 2007-10-24 2
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Task 3 –final DISCLAIMER & IMPORTANT NOTE The authors accept no liability for any material or immaterial direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this report or its content. This
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