The search for swedish climate strategy resulted in 1938 hits
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Suomi (finska)
Kunnallinen energianeuvonta Haluatko pienentää sähkölaskuasi? Pohditko parhaillaan, minkä lämmitysjärjestelmän valitsisit tai mikä sähkösopimus olisi paras sinulle? Onko sinulla kysyttävää
Other languages > Suomi (finska)
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Reports on lifetime extension, remanufacturing and repairability of products
Sustainable products As part of ongoing work to analyse the possibilities and limits of resource efficiency requirements in ecodesign and energy labelling and other product legislation, three
Sustainability > Sustainable products
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Summary of proposals.pdf
1 EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM Revision of Commission regulations (EU) 813/2013 and (EU) 811/2013 on respectively Ecodesign and Energy Label of central hydronic space and combination heaters
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FULL APPLICATION TEMPLATE with instructions for project descriptions within the field of Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation (FFI). The total number of pages in the project description

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The Union Registry
The registries of all Union Member States (as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) have been placed in a single technical platform since 2012 to ensure the best possible security,
Sustainability > The Union Registry
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Hearing Sektorsstrategier 25 Sep 2017.pdf
Sektorsstrategier för energieffektivisering Hearing 25 september, 2017 ”Sverige ska bli världsbäst på energieffektivisering” #sektorsstrategier Program 10:00 Inledning – vad innebär
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2020-07-10 Metria AB, Tel 010-121 80 00 | LEVERANSBESKRIVNING LEVERANS 2 DEL 1 GIS-analys för strategi för hållbar vindkraftsutbyggnad
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DISCLAIMER & IMPORTANT NOTE The underlying report is a draft and may be subject to change. The authors accept no liability for any material or immaterial direct or indirect damage resulting from
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Infomöte TERMO utlysning 4 2020.pdf
Accelerera energiomställningen genom hållbar värme och kyla Forskning och innovation – en del av Energimyndigheten. Informationsmöte kring utlysningen inom programmet Termo. Tis 28 augusti
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Explorativa scenarier Energisystemet efter 2020 Fyra framtider Publikationer utgivna av Energimyndigheten kan beställas eller laddas ned via eller beställas genom
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