The search for swedish climate strategy resulted in 353 hits
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Heating your home
You can do a great deal to reduce the waste of heat in your home. You can insulate your house better or you can heat it in a new way. The heating system that is best for your particular house
Sustainability > Heating your home
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How far will 1 kWh go?
How far one kilowatt hour (kWh) will go depends on the rating of the appliance. We have listed below what you can do with 1 kWh. You can use: an infrared heater for 30 minutes. a hairdryer for 37.5
Sustainability > How far will 1 kWh go?
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Washing, dishwashing and showering
Don’t use the washing machine until you have a sufficient amount of laundry to fill it. Use the economy programme of the washing machine, without prewash. Dry the clothes in air, preferably outdoors,
Sustainability > Washing, dishwashing and showering
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Motoring and transport
Accelerate quickly up to the speed you intend to keep. Change up early and run on the highest possible gear. You can also save energy by missing out a gear, e.g. by changing directly from third gear
Sustainability > Motoring and transport

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Switch off the lights when you leave a room. There are several different ways of ensuring that lights are switched off when they are not needed. These may be, for example, light sensors, motion
Sustainability > Lighting
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Home electronics
Use the switch to switch off both the TV and the computer, and unplug the battery charger when it is not in use. All equipment in the home that is not switched off by means of a switch uses energy
Sustainability > Home electronics
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What temperature do you want indoors? You could perhaps lower it by a degree or two without feeling cold. Do you have rooms that are seldom used? If so, lower the temperature in them a little more.
Sustainability > Heating
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Cooking and food storage
Set both the fridge and the freezer to the right temperature. The temperature recommended for the fridge is +5 degrees C and for the freezer, -18 degrees C. Every degree reduction in temperature
Sustainability > Cooking and food storage
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How you can save energy
Here we have a number of simple suggestions for how you can lower your energy costs. Many of the suggestions cost nothing to implement other than by changing your lifestyle. We have divided the
Sustainability > How you can save energy
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Public information
Information from the Swedish National Registry and the EU ETS is available online. This includes information on operator allocation and compliance and account holders and Kyoto units in the Swedish
Sustainability > Public information
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