Strategic innovation programmes
Strategic Innovation Programmes, is an initiative where three national agencies finance activities in areas of strategic importance for Sweden. These areas have jointly been defined by actors from businesses, academia and public sector as areas where there is a need for collaboration and joint activities.
The Swedish Innovation Agency (Vinnova), the Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) and the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (Formas) jointly finance collaborative work between different stakeholders to strengthen selected areas and finding sustainable solutions to global social challenges and increase Sweden’s competitiveness internationally. Together the stakeholders are responsible for formulating challenges, set up joint long term objectives and to prioritise investments in research, development and innovation. Different instruments for implementation may be used, such as calls for proposals, innovation competitions etc.
In total 17 Strategic Innovation Programmes are financed by Vinnova, Energimyndigheten och Formas. The Swedish Energy Agency is managing the programmes RE:Source and Viable Cities. For information on all of the programmes please see the website of Vinnova.
The Strategic Innovation Programmes are evaluated every third year. The main purpose of the first evaluation has been to evaluate the phase of establishment and give an understanding for the strengths and improvement potentials for the programmes. The main purpose for the second evaluation, after six years, has been to show results and early effects of the initiative and the programmes. It has also aimed to provide a basis for decision for the further financing of the programmes and development of the programmes and their next phase.