Halvdagskonferens: RePowering the Industry

Arrangör: Energimyndigheten
Uppsala Konsert och Kongress, Vaksalagatan 1, Uppsala, eller digitalt
30 maj 2023
Konferensen hålls på engelska

Vad krävs för att europeiska industrier ska påskynda sin elektrifiering och hur kan industrier förbli konkurrenskraftiga under omställningen? Det är några av frågorna som kommer att diskuteras på halvdagskonferensen "RePowering the Industry" i Uppsala den 30 maj. 


12.00-13.00: Lunch  

13.00-13.15: Welcome to RePowering the Industry!                          
Max Åhman, Associate Professor Head of Division, Environmental and Energy Systems Studies Lund University  
Eva Vitell, Board professional
Speaker: Rémy Kolessar Head Department of Research, Innovation and Business Development, The Swedish Energy Agency   

13.15-13.35: Keynote: Electrification creates new industries in Europe
The session focuses on the status and the progressing development of industrial electrification in Europe. What is needed to achieve long-term goals and how we can move forward.  

Speaker: Bo Normark Industrial Strategy Executive, InnoEnergy  

13.35-13.50: The new energy reality: where is EU heading?
What are the latest initiatives within the European Commission to aid the industries and the energy system to make the transition?  

Speaker: Eric LeComte Policy Officer, European Commission  

13.50-14.00: How the Swedish Energy Agency supports the transition
What are the main activities that the Swedish Energy agency are working with to support the decarbonization within the Swedish industries? What is the Industrial leap and the role of the Swedish Energy Agency?  

Speaker: Klara Helstad Head of Unit Sustainable Industry Swedish Energy Agency, The Swedish Energy Agency  

14.00-14.20: Break

14.20-14.30: Keynote: A rapid electrification and energy transition in Sweden
Accomplishment and prospects of electrification in Sweden, insights in electrification scenarios in Sweden up until 2045 and new innovations to manage the rapid increase in demand.

Speaker: Johanna Lakso, CEO Power Circle

14.30-14.45: What is happening within the Swedish industries?
What is Fossil Free Sweden and how are they helping the industries setting a roadmap? What are important success factors and barriers to overcome when setting a roadmap for an entire industry sector to become fossil free?    

Speaker: Malin Strand Policy Strategist & Project Manager, Fossil Free Sweden  

14.45-15.35: What is happening in the European industry transition?
What is required for European industries to accelerate their electrification? What are possible technological applications? And how can European industries stay competitive during such transition?


  • Jonas Eklund Climate and Energy expert, Borealis Stenungsund
  • Stefan Sundman, VP Public Affairs, UPM-Kymmene Corporation
  • Eva Petursson Executive Vice President, Head of Research and Innovation, SSAB
  • Fredrik Grankull, Local Business Line Manager Process Industries Finland ABB
  • Dr Jatta Jussila, CEO CLIC Innovation Oy

15.35-16.05: Break and coffee  

16.05-16.50: Energy & technology companies working with industrial electrification
Energy companies reflect around questions such as which cooperative synergies can create alignment in the transition of the industrial energy systems and local power systems. What are their requirements to enable the transition.


  • Fredrik Starfelt Senior R&D Engineer, Industry Decarbonisation, Vattenfall 
  • Maria Jalvemo Program Manager, Svenska Kraftnät
  • Andreas Collor VP, Strategy & Development, Fortum  
  • Anette Blücher Director Energy Infrastructure Solutions Nordic, E.ON    

16.50-17.00: Final reflections: what can we take away from the day?
What have we learnt today and how can we use this mowing forward?


  • Klara Helstad Head of Unit Sustainable Industry Swedish Energy Agency, The Swedish Energy Agency
  • Rémy Kolessar Head Department of Research, Innovation and Business Development, The Swedish Energy Agency

Om konferensen

Konferensen genomförs av Energimyndigheten i samband med Sveriges ordförandeskap i Europeiska unionens råd. Efter eventet är Energimyndigheten värd för styrelsemötet till det europeiska partnerskapet CETPartnership med deltagande från mer än 30 länder.

Om CETPartnership

Viktig information

RePowering the Industry är en kostnadsfri konferens som erbjuder ett begränsat antal platser för att delta på plats. Konferensen kommer även att sändas live. Sista dagen för deltagare att registrera sig är 17 maj.

För deltagare på plats vill vi informera dig om att du kan synas när evenemanget sänds live och sedan publiceras på Energimyndighetens webbplats.

En länk till webbsändningen skickas till registrerade deltagare senast dagen före konferensen. Om du har frågor om evenemanget, skicka en förfrågan till Fredrik Lundström.
